quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

Livro de Acesso Aberto Discute a Biodiversidade Mundial

O livro Biodiversity Enrichment in a Diverse World (Enriquecimento da Biodiversidade num Mundo Diverso), de acesso aberto, editado pelo Dr. Gbolagade Akeem Lameed, da Universidade de Ibadan, Nigéria, e publicado pela plataforma digital Intech - Open Science/Open Minds, reúne 19 artigos de diversos especialistas em biodiversidade do mundo, trazendo estudos relacionados à ecologia, socioeconomia e agricultura.

Dos artigos publicados no livro, chama a atenção o apresentado pelo IBAMA, intitulado "Efforts to Combat Wild Animals Trafficking in Brazil" (Esforços para o Combate ao Tráfico de Animais Silvestres no Brasil), que elencou, dentre outros assuntos, as espécies mais apreendidas no Brasil, bem como as mais criadas e as principais rotas para o tráfico, servindo como importante instrumento de consulta de especialistas e gestores ambientais.

Os capítulos do livro estão assim distribuídos:

Chapter 1
Floral and Avifaunal Diversity of Thol Lake Wildlife (Bird) Sanctuary of Gujarat State, India
    by Jessica P. Karia
Chapter 2
Species-Diversity Utilization of Salt Lick Sites at Borgu Sector of Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
    by A. G. Lameed and Jenyo-Oni Adetola
Chapter 3
Biodiversity and Conservation Status of a Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Habitat at the Southern Edge of Species' Distribution
    by Rosario Tejera, María Victoria Núñez, Ana Hernando, Javier Velázquez and Ana Pérez-Palomino
Chapter 4
Top-Predators as Biodiversity Regulators: Contemporary Issues Affecting Knowledge and Management of Dingoes in Australia
    by Benjamin L. Allen, Peter J.S. Fleming, Matt Hayward, Lee R. Allen, Richard M. Engeman, Guy Ballard and Luke K-P. Leung
Chapter 5
Characterization and Biological Activity of Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates that Are Potentially Useful in Insect Pest Control
    by Analia Alvarez and Flavia del Valle Loto
Chapter 6
Decreased Epiphytic Bryophyte Diversity on Mt. Odaigahara, Japan: Causes and Implications
    by Yoshitaka Oishi
Chapter 7
Tropical Forest and Carbon Stock's Valuation: A Monitoring Policy
    by Thiago Metzker, Tereza C. Spósito, Britaldo S. Filho, Jorge A. Ahumada and Queila S. Garcia
Chapter 8
Effect of Pseudotsuga menziesii Plantations on Vascular Plants Diversity in Northwest Patagonia, Argentina
    by I. A. Orellana and E. Raffaele
Chapter 9
Biodiversity and Mental Health
    by Hector Duarte Tagles and Alvaro J. Idrovo
Chapter 10
Amaranthaceae as a Bioindicator of Neotropical Savannah Diversity
    by Suzane M. Fank-de-Carvalho, Sônia N. Báo and Maria Salete Marchioretto
Chapter 11
The Ongoing Shift of Mediterranean Coastal Fish Assemblages and the Spread of Non-Indigenous Species
    by Stefanos Kalogirou, Ernesto Azzurro and Michel Bariche
Chapter 12
Impact of Land-Use and Climate on Biodiversity in an Agricultural Landscape
    by Andrzej Kędziora, Krzysztof Kujawa, Hanna Gołdyn, Jerzy Karg, Zdzisław Bernacki, Anna Kujawa, Stanisław Bałazy, Maria Oleszczuk, Mariusz Rybacki, Ewa Arczyńska-Chudy, Cezary Tkaczuk, Rafał Łęcki, Maria Szyszkiewicz-Golis, Piotr Pińskwar, Dariusz Sobczyk and Joanna Andrusiak
Chapter 13
Effects of Disturbance on Sandy Coastal Ecosystems of N-Adriatic Coasts (Italy)
    by Gabriella Buffa, Edy Fantinato and Leonardo Pizzo
Chapter 14
Creation of the New System of Management of Important Transition Zones in the Nature
    by Jing Tan, Tian Yan, Wang Shang-Wu and Jie Feng
Chapter 15
Implication of Alien Species Introduction to Loss of Fish Biodiversity and Livelihoods on Issyk-Kul Lake in Kyrgyzstan
    by Heimo Mikkola
Chapter 16
Efforts to Combat Wild Animals Trafficking in Brazil
    by Guilherme Fernando Gomes Destro, Tatiana Lucena Pimentel, Raquel Monti Sabaini, Roberto Cabral Borges and Raquel Barreto
Chapter 17
The Influence of Geochemistry on Biological Diversity in Fennoscandia and Estonia
    by Ylo Joann Systra
Chapter 18
Tree Species Diversity and Forest Stand Structure of Pahang National Park, Malaysia
    by Mohd Nazip Suratman
Chapter 19
Image Processing for Pollen Classification
    by Marcos del Pozo-Baños, Jaime R. Ticay-Rivas, Jousé Cabrera-Falcón, Jorge Arroyo, Carlos M. Travieso-González, Luis Sánchez-Chavez, Santiago T. Pérez, Jesús B. Alonso and Melvín Ramírez-Bogantes

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Lameed, Gbolagade Akeem (Ed.). Biodiversity Enrichment in a Diverse World. Novi Sad: InTech, 2012. 518 p. il. ISBN 978-953-51-0718-7.

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